On the theme of innovation, the toilet tank can be innovated. What if all of the moving parts within the tank were reduced to a computer chip that more precisely measured water levels and flows. No more of the float ball getting stuck in the flapper or the trip level malfunctioning or the ballcock not functioning properly. Incidentally, the ballcock is found listed in the book of 1001 Inventions that Changed the World, invented in 1880. Invented by none other than Thomas Crapper. Perhaps it is time for new ideas. I’m not the first to consider it. The Gates Foundation is putting millions of dollars into such a project. What if what they invent has some of the same challenges that Windows Operating System software has been made infamous for?
1001 Inventions that Changed the World. Edited by Jack Challoner. 2009 Quintessence.
Update on August 16, 2012. Since I wrote this blog entry (Aug 6, 2012) the Gates Foundation announced the winners of their toilet redesign competition.