Centuries ago, a brave man stood against the traditions of his time. He saw the desperate need millions of humans had for access to the word of God. He lived in a society where the word of God was safely stored away in books, inaccessible except to the few who had access to libraries or church repositories.
Today, we are awash in access to the scriptures. At a moment’s notice, and thanks to modern hand-held technology, we can access the Bible without so much a thought.
Excitingly, however, we are in living in a tremendous time, what I call the modern-day Tyndale moment.
Just as Tyndale worked to make the scriptures easily accessible to everyone, we live in an age where everyone has easy access to scriptures.
Read more at http://www.ldsliving.com/Why-We-Need-a-Modern-Day-Tyndale-Moment/s/86301