Righteous Desires. 3 Nephi 27 – 4 Nephi
If you had three wishes that you knew would be answered by God, what would those wishes be? What are your righteous desires? More from Taylor Halverson Find out for yourself why my latest book hit #1 on Amazon! Hear …
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Jesus Taught the Sacrament to the Nephites (3 Nephi 18-20) More from Taylor Halverson Find out for yourself why my latest book hit #1 on Amazon! Hear Him: Listening to the Voice of God in Scriptures and in Our Lives by Taylor Halverson, Lisa Halverson, with Tyler …
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Happy Autumn 2020 from the Halversons
Many people do Christmas cards. The Halverson family does an autumn greeting letter. Enjoy our 2020 family update here! …
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Why Did Jesus Institute the Sacrament Among the Nephites? 3 Nephi 17-19
There is a significant covenantal reason that Jesus instituted the sacrament among the Nephites. In my last post I explained the covenantal reason why Jesus repeated the Sermon on the Mount to the Nephites. In summary, the Law of Moses was the …
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Why Did Jesus Deliver the Sermon on the Mount to the Nephites? 3 Nephi 12-16
Why did Jesus deliver the Sermon on the Mount, an old-world speech, to people in the New World? I’ve done plenty of speaking and presenting in my time. Sure, I repeat presentations from time to time, but often I prepare a brand-new presentation …
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