Yahweh is one of the most significant words in all of the Hebrew language. We hear echoes of it when Moses encounters the LORD at the burning bush of Mount Sinai and asks for the name of the God who was commanding him to deliver the Israelites from …
God is incomprehensible. Why does that matter?
I thought that If God is incomprehensible, you can’t truly know about Him or even be in relation with Him. My friend helped me out of my confusion because I had thought that the words know and comprehensible had the same meaning. So what does it …
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New book published! Knowing Why: 137 Evidences that the Book of Mormon is True
My latest book was just published. Knowing Why: 137 Evidences that the Book of Mormon is True. Edited by Jack Welch, Neal Rappleye, Stephen Smoot, David Larsen, & Taylor Halverson. (American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, …
The Surprising Lesson My Muslim Friends Taught Me About Scripture Study
I was surprised to learn from my Muslim friends about a simple act of prayer that draws me into greater supplication to God and faithful expectations of receiving his blessings, I was similarly surprised to learn from my Muslim friends how I could …
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Build the Future of Scripture Study. Incredible Opportunity!
Project Name: Interactive LDS Scriptures App with Book of Mormon Central (BMC) Project Description: Web, desktop and mobile multi-lingual software app that will help users navigate, read, study, ponder, memorize, hear, annotate, bookmark, copy, …
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What My Muslim Friends Taught Me About Prayer: Surprising Insights from a Mormon
I’ve spent a lot of time in the Middle East. The Middle East is one of the most fascinating though deeply misunderstood regions of the world. Every time I’m in the region I learn something new about people, culture, history, civilization, language, …