Pursuing its mission to inspire the BYU community to life-long innovation, the Creativity, Innovation, and Design group selects and highlights compelling BYUspeeches on creativity, innovation, design, invention, and entrepreneurship. Enjoy Dr. …
Do we “take out the endowment” or “receive the endowment”?
Do we “take out the endowment” or “receive the endowment”? http://www.ldsliving.com/One-Crucial-Phrase-We-Often-Get-Wrong-in-the-Church-How-It-Can-Change-Our-Temple-Experience/s/84559. …
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What does God Think About Strangers and Foreigners? New article on LDS Living
"Why did God make such explicit commands about protecting strangers, widows, and orphans? Because these individuals are among the most vulnerable of all God’s children. That vulnerability was particularly pronounced and acute in the ancient world. …
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Creative Leadership in a Changing World
Pursuing its mission to inspire the BYU community to life-long innovation, the Creativity, Innovation, and Design group selects and highlights compelling BYU speeches on creativity, innovation, design, invention, and entrepreneurship. Enjoy Elder …
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Upcoming Presentation: The People, Places, and Plates of the Book of Mormon and Visuals to Help You Understand
Join Tyler Griffin and me for a presentation “The People, Places, and Plates of the Book of Mormon and Visuals to Help You Understand” on Thursday, February 23, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Cruise Lady Event Center located at 9118 S. Redwood Road, West Jordan, …
A Creative Mind. BYU Speech by Angel Abrea
The BYU Creativity, Innovation, and Design group is highlighting BYU relevant speeches. This is a great one! "A Creative Mind" by Angel Abrea. …
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