Learn more on my Deseret News article: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865617592/The-real-12-days-of-Christmas-and-why-April-6-is-a-religiously-significant-date.html …
Continue Reading about The real 12 days of Christmas start today, Dec. 25.
Experience Israel with Taylor
Learn more on my Deseret News article: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865617592/The-real-12-days-of-Christmas-and-why-April-6-is-a-religiously-significant-date.html …
Continue Reading about The real 12 days of Christmas start today, Dec. 25.
“In our suffering we come to experience the truth and reality that Jesus became like us so that we could become like him. God — who knew all, had all, created all — was willing to take on the destructive flesh of a mortal body to suffer with us, live …
"We work hard, give our very best effort, and yet no one seems to notice, let alone appreciate what we’ve done. That influences us to say, “Well, I won’t express appreciation to others for their work, I won’t acknowledge their accomplishments.” This …
Continue Reading about Appreciation and the Myth of the Zero-Sum Game
"The Book of Revelation has long been the source of much mystery, speculation, fantastic interpretations, and the source of near suffocating fervor that the world will be destroyed in the next five minutes (I just hope that I can finish this article …
Continue Reading about Revelation 5-6 and 19-22: Views and Perspectives
http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2015/11/10/the-top-50-schools-for-entrepreneurs-2/ …
"How do you summarize a book that traverses every continent, plumbs the depths of human and paleontological history and skims both the ocean waves and the dead silence of outer space? "The Triumph of Seeds: How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips …
Continue Reading about How Seeds Have Been Vital to World History