"In this Feast of Dedication context, Jesus is in the temple teaching that salvation comes to those who hear his voice as the good shepherd. But because of their history, and their future expectations, many Jews could not imagine a humble shepherd …
John 9 and Seeing unto Salvation
If we wish to truly see, particularly with spiritual eyes, we must remove the physical, dirty, messy worldliness from our eyes in order to see. This same symbolism appears in Moses 6 when God called Enoch as a prophet (Moses 6:35-36). After Enoch …
Education Week: Google Earth Can Enhance Scripture Study
BYU news coverage on my Education Week presentations. Education Week: Google Earth Can Enhance Scripture Study, The Digital Universe, August 19, 2015. …
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What is a lecture? A technology of learning. Deseret News Article
"The fields of teaching, learning and technology are ripe for change. New technologies and learning designs of all sorts will emerge to support the incredible potential of human learning no longer bound down by the traditions of ancient …
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Acts 10-15: Continuing Revelation. New article on Interpreter
Acts 10-15: Continuing Revelation. "Early in this last dispensation a resounding call went forth through the Prophet Joseph Smith that the message of the gospel should be preached to all people. Our missionaries are going forth to different …
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What is Technology, our master or servant? Deseret News Article
What is Technology, our master or servant? "If technology is any tool or process created or used by humans to solve a need, then the possibilities for understanding, developing and using technologies are magnified. We should fully embrace technology …
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