"The authenticity of scripture" article on the Deseret News from Dan Peterson and Bill Hamblin. …
Defending the Faith: Creating a convincing, cumulative case for the Book of Mormon
Defending the Faith: Creating a convincing, cumulative case for the Book of Mormon by Dan Peterson. …
Caring for the poor and needy in Jordan
This is an excellent report on some of the humanitarian efforts in Jordan. "Caring for the poor and needy in Jordan." Written by Brent and Margaret Strong. …
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Implications for the Stability of the Modern Middle East
My warnings to apocalyptic Jews and Christians holds true for apocalyptic Muslims as well. Relevant reading for today's crises in the Middle East "Ancient Israelite Zion Theology, Judeo-Christian Apocalypticism, and Biblical (Mis)interpretation: …
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New Article. Luke 4-6 and Matthew 10: Faithfully Responding to God’s Call
My new article on Interpreter has been posted: "Luke 4-6 and Matthew 10: Faithfully Responding to God’s Call." "Early chapters of the Gospels share various aspects of Jesus Christ’s divine mission: Messianic prophecies, glorious birth, precocious …
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“In the gospel, faith must come first” New article on Deseret News
"We know that faith is the first principle of the gospel (Articles of Faith 4). However, in our world saturated with “evidence first,” the call to act in faith first seems difficult, if not outright outlandish. When I was completing a graduate …
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