“When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people,” rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. I hope that I can become more kind as the years roll on instead of more clever. …
Big data. Transforming the world.
They're Watching You at Work "There is no denying the vast increase in the range and depth of information that’s routinely captured about how we behave, and the new kinds of analysis that this enables. By one estimate, more than 98 percent of the …
Triple-threat method sparks hope for fusion
"The secrets to its success are lasers, magnets and a big pinch." …
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4 Ways to Make Changing Easier
Cut - Less is more Concretize - Make it vivid Categorize - More categories, fewer choices Condition "Sheena Iyengar: How to make choosing easier" …
The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary
I just downloaded the massive Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, 90 years in the making! What an invaluable resource that preserves languages and cultures from more than 3000+ years of ancient Mesopotamia. This dictionary is useful for so many reasons, …
Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon
My scripture studies article "Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon: D&C 16-23." Quote from the opening paragraph: "The coming forth of the Book of Mormon in the latter days is a fulfillment of the ancient promises that the Lord …
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