Incredibly insightful perspective that technology follows a path similar to that of evolution. "How technology evolves". "Tech enthusiast Kevin Kelly asks "What does technology want?" and discovers that its movement toward ubiquity and complexity …
Google Driverless Car
The Driverless Car. Get set for a major change to our experience and relationship with cars and travel. If the Google experiment proves successful and this technology becomes adopted, the car experience of the past several generation is set to be …
The Heart Grows Smarter: Why Fathers Matter
Great opinion piece by David Brooks on why fathers matter. "The Heart Grows Smarter" Key quotes: “It was the capacity for intimate relationships that predicted flourishing in all aspects of these men’s lives.” “In case after case, the magic …
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The Path of Angels
I gave a presentation at the BYU Sperry Symposium, October 2009 entitled "The Path of Angels: A Biblical Pattern for the Role of Angels in Physical Salvation." BYUTV filmed and posted the presentation here. The presentation was published as: “The …
Mindset for being more creative
In mid-November I listened to a sermon at Church by a new neighbor, David Law. He taught two principles which I believe lead to greater creativity: “More than one way to do things.” “And then it doesn’t have to be perfect.” …
In Defense of Favoritism
This article, a must read for anyone who believes in equality and fairness, will be sure to offend some. "In Defense of Favoritism" article ran in the Chronicle of Higher Ed on Nov. 12, 2012. Key quotes: “Fairness, however, is not the be-all and …