My latest Podcast, “Talking is not Teaching,” presents a complete re-framing of the approach to teaching the gospel that mirrors much of what is being rolled out in Sunday schools and in Priesthood and Relief society with the Come, Follow Me style of …
Teaching the Gospel Using Metaphors and Analogies
Are you a gospel teacher or learner? Listen to this podcast to learn about the principles for using metaphors and analogies in teaching and …
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Ladders, dirty windows and the need for the light of Christ
If you were asked to clean the windows of a church, how long would it take to accomplish the task? A few hours, days, weeks, months? How about nearly 300 years. And the ladder is still there waiting for the window cleaner to ascend. What if I were …
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Insights on Covenants from the Five Books of Moses
God’s covenant with Moses and his people provides the structure for The Five Books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), also called The Pentateuch or the Torah. This covenant required faithfulness from God’s people in …
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Preexistence and Creation: A Perspective on How to Read the Creation Story
The Genesis account of creation does not depict God creating matter out of nothing (what is traditionally called “creation ex nihlo”). Instead, Genesis narrates God creating this earth out of matter that already existed. The focus is not on the …
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The Creation and Its Relation to God’s Covenants
The creation narrative in Genesis was not written to provide a how-to manual for how the earth was created. The creation narrative instead serves as a backdrop to the covenant that we are expected to …
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