At the Society of Biblical Literature annual conference, I'm presenting on "Teaching the Bible with Google Earth and Other Visualization Tools." "Humans are visual learners. Texts alone cannot provide the full context for engaging the Bible. …
Motivation and Learning in Biblical Studies. Panel Discussion at SBL
In my role as the chair of the Society of Biblical Literature Academic Teaching and Biblical Studies section, I've helped to organized a panel discussion on "Motivation and Learning in Biblical Studies." "This session will begin with a panel …
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Designing Courses for Significant Learning. Workshop at SBL
Today I'm conducting a half-day pre-conference workshop on Designing Courses for Significant Learning (Fink 2003) for the Society of Biblical Literature annual conference. I've done this now for several years and have had the privilege of working …
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What’s the Big Idea? BYU’s Big Idea Pitch 2014
"200 votes. 90 seconds. One big idea. This was the setting for one of the main events for BYU’s Entrepreneurship Week, The Big Idea Pitch, that took place in October. With those 90 seconds, students had the opportunity to present their next business …
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Creative Students at BYU – Hilary
This video highlights creative BYU student, Hilary, who has worked on a variety of projects associated with the Creativity, Innovation, and Design group including one that plans to help eliminate poverty in Paraguay. From the BYU Creativity, …
What if social media could actually help students write better papers?
"For many students, social media tends to undermine academic research rather than support it–after all, what student in the throes of paper writing hasn’t grasped for momentary solace in Facebook, Instagram, or the latest Studio C comedy …
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