My scriptures studies article on the Kingdoms of Glory: D&C 76; 131; 132; 137. Quote from the opening paragraphs: "Since days of old God has designated special witnesses, or prophets, to be his voice unto the world. The term prophet comes …
Change our culture, change our world
Delightful talk by Nate Garvis that provides insights as to how we can shape our culture in order to design the changes we wish to see in the world. …
THE INTELLIGENT PLANT. Scientists debate a new way of understanding flora.
Fascinating article about the "intelligence" and "neurology" of plants. I've found it intriguing that plants secreet stress hormones, similar to animals, when they are attacked or hurt or in fear. Unfortunately for thoughtful humans, there is no …
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We Aren’t the World.
A few of my friends tipped me off to this article published nearly a year ago. Still relevant, especially for those who have been through graduate programs. It provides a rather rare, though relevant, entry point to the discussion concerning the …
The role of nature and nurture in human aggression
When females have better life situations while pregnant and while children are young, their children, especially males, are less aggressive. "To solve the aggression problems, which are mainly a male problem, we need to focus on females....If you …
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“I got 99 problems… palsy is just one”
Maysoon Zayid is a breath of fresh air. One of her funniest statements from her TED talk was, "If there was an oppression Olympics I would win the gold medal. I'm Palestinian, I'm Muslim, I'm female, I'm disabled, and I live in New Jersey." …
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