The Book of Mormon war chapters can be confusing, especially given all the geographical references. My friend and colleague Tyler Griffin and I have developed an educational map that provides relational context that may prove useful as you read …
What Do We Learn from Alma about the Resurrection? Alma 39-42
The doctrine of resurrection is core to Christianity. One of the simplest and earliest expression of Christian faith we find in the New Testament is from Paul: “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died …
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Learn to Create, Design to Learn
Humans Are Designed Both to Learn and to Design The ability to create, and to become better at creating, is implicit in the nature of the brain’s neural network. A study performed in 2001 showed that when monkeys used tools, their brains rewired …
That Ye May Learn Wisdom. Alma 36-38
“O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.” (Alma 37:35) This verse is beloved and well-known among all the words of Alma the Younger. Simple. Powerful. Compelling. We all know …
What Experiments Will You Try to Become an Expert Follower of God? Alma 32-35
During Alma’s missionary efforts a group of sincere seekers asked, “what shall we do?” (see Alma 32:5). This question prompted Alma to teach one of the greatest lessons anywhere in scripture on how to exPERience more of God’s light and love in our …
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Choose Jesus and Reject the False Doctrines of Korihor. Alma 30-31
Recently I went with my family to get ice cream. This ice cream shop is famous throughout the region. People will stand in line for up to thirty minutes waiting to choose from many dozens of flavors. The serving sizes are enormous. And of course, …
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