During the years 2004-2005 I spent more than twelve months preparing for and completing doctoral qualifying exams at Indiana University in two totally distinct fields: Instructional Technology and Judaism & Christianity in Antiquity. (Somehow I …
The Bible Plus: The Four Books of Mormonism
This article should be required reading for everyone. I've never seen a better piece on such an important topic anywhere! Dr. Kathleen Flake, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Vanderbilt University, has just published an online article …
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A New Process for Mining Gold
One more thought on innovation. I visited the spectacularly successful gold and mining boom town of Cripple Creek, Colorado some weeks ago during a family reunion. It was amazing to see the hundreds of mines that sprouted in the late 1800s and tens …
A Change to the Toilet Tank
On the theme of innovation, the toilet tank can be innovated. What if all of the moving parts within the tank were reduced to a computer chip that more precisely measured water levels and flows. No more of the float ball getting stuck in the …
Redesigning the Paint Can
Teaching a class on innovation changes your perspective on just about everything. For example, I was at a home improvement store some weeks ago and happened to walk through the paint aisle. Within a few moments I thought of several ways that the …
Paisley Caves Oregon: Evidence of Oldest Definitely-Dated Human Presence in North America
Back in July I learned from Science Magazine about a cave complex near Paisley Oregon in the arid Lake County of the Oregon Outback that may contain evidence of the oldest definitely-dated human presence in North America. Later in July I had a …