I laughed out loud reading Paul’s writings to the Philippians. My wife and I were perfectly contented on a bench at a nearby park with the trees bleeding red and splashed with the fading autumn sunlight of a retreating October day. We laughed at …
The Dawning of the New Tyndale Moment: ScripturePlus
Centuries ago the holy written words of God were only available to an elite class of scholars who carefully kept the masses from direct engagement with the written word. Only those who had specialized training in arcane languages, ideas, and theories …
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The Covenantal Significance of Sustaining Church Leaders
General Conference swiftly approaches. This is a cherished time of year. Whether Conference occurs in the fire of fall colors or in the sweetness of life-giving spring returning to earth, hearing the word of God through His chosen leaders is always …
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See Hypocrisy in the Church? Lessons from Galatians
Paul never hesitated to say what he thought. Both before and after his conversion to Christ, Paul forcefully advocated for his views and his understanding of truth. Sometimes Paul’s forthrightness got him stoned, thrown out of a synagogue or a city, …
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How Much Does God Expect Me to Give? Thoughts on 2 Corinthians 8-13
The ward at Corinth was a mixed ward. Corinth was an international city. Prosperous. Urbane. Diverse. Religiously mixed. Extremes of wealth and poverty existed side-by-side with extremes of educational attainment and regular life experience. From …
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Why Do Americans Trust Puppets and Myth Makers?
Recently my family did a short excursion to Moab, Utah to experience the indomitable power of the Colorado River. This was our family’s first ever rafting trip. The Colorado River is not to be trifled with. Every year the river claims the lives …
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